Monday, April 11, 2011


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Sometimes it is the things that we have spent so long engraving in the archives of our minds, that seem to be so easily forgotten.

Days continue to pass, and things continue to change across the ocean, in Torino. Plans that I had viewed as "Concrete" have been instantaneously rearranged, leaving yet more blank pages in this chapter book.

The family I had intended to stay with for my one-year, is now scheduled to relocate to another area in Italy. This family meant so much more than a housing option , but are close and sincere friends as well. They served as companionship and wise council simultaneously. This news was certainly the more challenging to receive from Team Torino.

I believe that God often calls us to go through certain things (and often "alone") so that we will turn to Him. If you've ever read the poem Footprints you may recognize the quote "It was then that I carried you". It was this line that came to mind as I sat in prayer and thought about how the year would be so much different than expected, I began to look forward to the ways that this will allow me to grow in my relationship with God. Perhaps I was growing to dependent on those around me, not only spiritually but also personally, and in the language and culture.

Through all of this, I have come to know is that regardless of my location, or of the people I find myself surrounded by, God is my constant.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Its incredible how quickly time passes. It was over a month now that I was in Kansas City for the Orientation Program put on by Avant. As I set out in organizing my first fundraiser, it amazes me how all of the initial emotions of excitement, nerves, and wonder come back repeatedly.

At this time last year I was contently working at The Radical Roaster, a coffee shop in Ludlow, while simultaneously doing a full-load of online courses. Never did I expect that I would be soon setting off on a life changing journey that God had in store for me. I can't get a mental picture in my head of Him sitting up there just laughing to Himself and this ridiculous, unsuspecting girl who is about to be taken up in a whirlwind of events. He's clever like that.

There are days here, that I feel I know precisely which step to take. There are other days that I feel like I'm stuck in a tunnel,...where you can see the end. You know where you need to get, and yet you have SO far to go before you reach that destination. You know, those moments where you feel you just might not make it all the way to the end? But it is in those moments that God shows me His hand more than ever. I once heard that it is in the darkest nights that the stars shine the brightest, so for those moments...those dark nights, I am thankful!!

Friday, January 14, 2011


"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". I'm not dead yet, so I know that God must have been strengthening, and building me up over the past few days. On Sunday I landed in Kansas City for Candidate Orientation Program (COP). One major step necessary for my return to the field in Italy.

Three months ago, when I arrived back in the States, every thought and reaction was coated by overwhelming emotions. There were days that it felt like I had just stepped off the plane, and there were others that felt like I had never left. Those that felt like I had never left were the more challenging ones. My heart and mind were not in one place or the other,..rather I felt like two completely different people. Not that my character had been inconsistent, but as though I had always been in the States, but I had always been in Italy as well. Things as small as meeting with some of my closest friends felt foreign and awkward. I missed "real" food, and the reality of no public transportation set in quickly. The first week at church was definitely hardest, but I don't know that it has grown all that much easier either.

Support raising, which once looked like it would be a struggle the size of the Alps I used to admire from my terrace, has become a process of strengthening and encouragement. What an incredible opportunity to meet those who share a love for Christ, and to share the ways in which He has inspired my life.

The week has been incredibly intense and filled with long days but God has definitely been encouraging me this week through the fellowship with others who share the same beliefs and passions. We've not only been going through cross-cultural adaptation studies, but have also undergone long and tedious accounting and financial studies. However, I am grateful because it is all things I will need to know and want to be able to do for myself once I am on the field.

Praying that God would continue to guide my heart and my steps as many opportunities lie ahead.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Unanimous. . .

I can't believe that I am looking at only a few days left on my trip. There are so many things that I wish I had more time to accomplish, and yet God has opened up opportunities for me to accomplish things I never planned or expected.
The Sunday School this past week consisted of Noah's Ark. The story started with talking about things that don't please God. As we brainstormed, I wrote the terms onto clouds which were glued to a poster. Then, as I told the story I had them come up and color in the ark, and then the rain, and then sun and the mountains and the rainbow. Finally I had them draw a very important piece to the story,....the animals!! God taught me that perhaps I am cut out for teaching Sunday School. I once thought it was very far from my comfort zone, but am now realizing that I simply have to find my own way to present things, bringing creativity in as well. It was encouraging from many different angles.
I have also recently started teaching piano lessons to one of the girls on the team. After the lesson we do a devotional together. It has been such an awesome time to get to know the different struggles that she is facing, as well as how I can better enable her to grow spiritually. What a blessing it has been to see her grow just in the few moments we've had together and to be a part in her life.
For a while now I have known exactly where it is that God has been directing me. From the first month I was here in Torino, there was no doubt in my mind that I had every intention of pursuing the option of coming back on a one-year commitment. My head and heart are overwhelmed with the knowledge that I will be returning to the States only for a "visit". Last night the team announced the unanimous decision to allow me back. I am now a part of Team Torino and look forward to seeing how God is going to use this next year!


Monday, September 27, 2010

Turning the Pages. . .

Things have continued to go well this past week. I spent the majority of my mornings at the Caldbeck house helping with homeschooling while Tom was away. Things are starting to fall back into a little bit of a schedule, although I highly doubt that will last for very long. We're looking at having a much needed team meeting this week. With all the hustling of trying to get the kids into a school routine, as well as people traveling we have not been able to get together since the arrival of the McEwens. It will be the first team meeting with the whole team being together.
It looks like tomorrow I will start piano lessons with a few of the girls on the team. I am hoping that not only it will be a time of learning, but that in the time spent together the girls may find a bond, or be able to strengthen their friendship. I know that a few of the parents have expressed a desire to have some of the other children learn as well. With only one full-sized keyboard available I am limited on time and availability. However, it is not an opportunity that I have closed the door on either. For now I am going to see how the initial lessons go, and hopefully may be able to open the opportunity up to the other kids later on.
Mindi has some incredible ideas, and it has been such a blessing to be able to brainstorm and work alongside her. Originally we had a few different ideas such as a girl's day (movie, hair, nails, etc. including mini-devotions or object lessons on being a godly woman and the importance of inner beauty), a baking day, and a craft day. However, considering that there is only a month left in my time here, we are running incredibly short on time. It was eventually concluded that we would have a "Fall Day" filled with cookie decorating, games, yummy food, crafts, etc. We are praying that God would show us the best way to draw His message into the day in a non-offensive or pushy way. Please be praying that the plans for this day continue to come together as we attempt to reach out to both our contacts and team. It has the potential to be such a great opportunity!

Friday, September 17, 2010

A Vapor in The Wind. . .

This week has definitely been one of reflection. It has been a slower week with the kids back at school, but has provided great opportunity to be still, and see God's hands at work. It truly is incredible that He can be doing so much, and in such indiscreet ways that we cannot see it until looking back. In the past few months I have come to see His love in such a different way!
Mindi and I have been bouncing different ideas off of each other and have come up with some that I am greatly looking forward to organizing. I am hoping to be able to start piano lessons with a few of the older girls who have been interested. Although it is a great opportunity for them to learn (which they have expressed a desire to do), but the underlying purpose is that it will bring them together, as they do not always get to see each other. I am hoping that having these lessons together will allow a friendship to form and get them involved using the talents that God has given them both!
Another idea was that of an Arts and Crafts time. It is the hope that something like this would be able to continue twice a month or so over a long period of time. However, I'm now working with a month! Hopefully we can get at least one day of Arts and Crafts together. This can also serve as an outreach to some of the Italian children, as most of it can be done through demonstration, rather than verbally.
All in all, it has been a slow week, but looking at all that I hope to be able to start up, October is going to be a very busy month. The time slips away so incredibly fast,..."like a vapor in the wind".

Friday, September 10, 2010

Just Smile. . . .

I cannot believe that I have been here for over a month now. Time continues to fly entirely too quickly. The last family (The McEwen's) of the team has arrived safely and settled in. However Laura, and the Calbeck family are out on vacation, so I am still yet to experience the full team together. Italian school starts on Monday, and some of our kids will be attending. That will yet again switch up schedules, but after this week some sense of routine should be established. I look forward to getting the kids feedback on their first week of school.
Mindi had the opportunity to invite some of the contacts from the park over to bake one day. What an awesome opportunity to begin to build a trusting relationship with them! I absolutely cannot wait! In coming out here, I expected to have incredible moments of ministry involving the missionary kids. Never did I have true expectations of being able to reach out to the Italian kids as well! What a blessing and encouragement to see God working.
Also while I was at the Heizer's House watching the kids,.....I some how traded our girls for Valeria's (Their neighbor)! Needless to say, I learned more Italian than I have the whole time I have been here. Personally, it was a very neat experience to see that her girls have accepted me enough to A) listen to my terrible Italian, and do their best to understand it. B) That they trust me enough to come over, even though all my kids were at their house.
I am taking care of Lili, the dog this week while Laura is away. She stresses me out beyond belief, but she has her positive moments as well! Overall she is a great dog. While walking her I managed to be stopped by two separate people who tried to linger and converse. It broke my heart that I could not communicate with them, but was encouraged at their efforts in trying, even after they realized I was a foreigner.
Overall, things continue to go incredibly well. God's hand is working in the everyday lives of the team. Who knows what tomorrow or the next day may bring!!